Puss in Boots: Romance on the Ropes (Part 2) by TheTopTier, literature
Puss in Boots: Romance on the Ropes (Part 2)
[This chapter contains CiD. A male and female character are tied up.]
“Kitty …” Hans held out a placating hand. “I understand this looks dreadful. But I assure you, Meera and I mean you no harm.”
Kitty was snapped out of her mental freeze enough to yell back at the man. “No harm?! Then what do you call this?!” She gestured to the net of which Puss was still trying to cut himself out. “You think I’m going to just saunter on back with you after you trap my fiancé?!”
“Fiancé?” Meera gasped. A twitch came to her dark green eyes and wiry, fidgety fingers. “Oh, Kitty … You really have lost your way …”
“Kitty?!” Puss paused his efforts to escape, taken aback by what he was hearing. “You know these guys?!”
Kitty huffed with a nervous wince. “I-I did thieving jobs with them a while back. When we were … separated …” She carefully left it at that, not going into how or why she joined their team.
“And what a team we made!” Meera raised her hands gloriously. “All before you left us
Ice Age: Saber-Toothed Turmoil (Part 9) by TheTopTier, literature
Ice Age: Saber-Toothed Turmoil (Part 9)
[This chapter contains DiD. A female character is bound, gagged, and at peril of drowning.]
Shira span uncontrollably in her free fall, her garbled screams lost to the wind, her vision a rapid, indistinguishable blur that threatened to make her sick in her gag! She threw her hogtied limbs to try and control or align herself or push herself to the safety of the narrow chunks of land just out of reach! But doing so just broke up what minimal pattern her descent had, making her even more disoriented!
It only lasted a few seconds, though, as her back was hit with what felt like the piercing of a wooly mammoth’s tusks, followed by a thousand needles of brittle coldness as she finally plunged into the water.
“SHIRA!!!” Aisha roared!
Benji skidded to a stop at the edge, gasping in horror. Aisha sprinted to the edge right behind him, ready to jump off after Shira. But Sonja cut her off, shoving her face and knocking her over.
As Aisha slid in the snow, Terra snarled at the attack on