Ben 10 meets Dial H for Hero
Taking place in the original world.
The Tennysons stop at an interdimensional vortex. "What is that," asks Gwen.
"It could lead to another dimension," says Max.
"Don't worry, I'm sure I got an alien that can…" But before he could finish, he gets sucked in…
Ben lands on the ground. "Woah, where am I," asks Ben.
"Whoever you are, you are now prisoner of the Thunderbolt Organization!"
"Wait, are you guys like the Forever Knights," asks Ben.
"Don't worry, Giant Boy's here to help!" This really tall guy comes and fights them off.
Ben turns to Four Arms and joins the fight. The Thunderbolts then leave. "Yeah, you better run," says Ben.
"How did you do that," asks Giant Boy.
"I have a watch that allows me to turn into different superpowered aliens," says Ben.
"No way!" Giant Boy then gets out this dial and turns to a nerdy teenager. "I'm Robby Reed and this dial allows me to turn into different superheroes!"
"Woah," says Ben.
Robby and Ben are in Robby's lab, telling each other their