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Defibrillator by OneWithTheStars, literature

You are Not the Center of the Universe by OneWithTheStars, literature

Weary Heart by OneWithTheStars, literature

Get Over It by OneWithTheStars, literature

A Mantra and A Prayer by OneWithTheStars, literature

Of Tiger Lilies and the Reddest Roses by OneWithTheStars, literature

Shifting Seasons by OneWithTheStars, literature

Haiku 2020 #5 by OneWithTheStars, literature

Of Regal Bearings Come Ill Tidings by OneWithTheStars, literature

Burden Bore by Oracle and Glaive by OneWithTheStars, literature

Your Namesake by OneWithTheStars, literature

Mark of the Unloved by OneWithTheStars, literature

Haiku 2020 #1 by OneWithTheStars, literature

Ultra Violet by OneWithTheStars, literature

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Haiku 2020 #7 by OneWithTheStars, literature

Haiku 2020 #4 by OneWithTheStars, literature

Spring Fever by OneWithTheStars, literature

The Hydrocyanic Laurel by OneWithTheStars, literature

Brittle by OneWithTheStars, literature

Solid Gold Never Clad by OneWithTheStars, literature

Exteriors Are Oft Deceiving by OneWithTheStars, literature

Lost in You by OneWithTheStars, literature

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