Where does your heart beat when it sleeps?
My darling, surely you must know
you reap the anguish that they sow,
and to your soul, their poison seeps…
So plundered by these selfish creeps,
such injuries, they do not show…
Does your heart beat?
I hear your soul, the tears it weeps;
your love, it aches to freely flow,
so take of mine and come to know,
for I declare I play for keeps…
Does your heart beat?
You are Not the Center of the Universe by OneWithTheStars, literature
You are Not the Center of the Universe
Just look at the mess you have made
all because of your selfish ways,
so clueless to what it conveys
or consequences to be paid.
Ignorant to the bed you laid,
your callousness, it does amaze:
Just look at the mess you have made
all because of your selfish ways.
‘Round the sun, Earth’s orbit has stayed,
for it still dictates nights and days
in spite of what your ego says—
a truth that must have you dismayed.
Just look at the mess you have made.
And now I sleep amidst the green
of grasses billowing from breeze,
their gentle blades that touch and tease,
compel my eyes to close and rest
as I comply without protest
to put my troubled mind at ease.
And now I sleep…
So to the world, I am unseen,
concealed beneath the leaves of trees,
a living shelter to appease
that shields my soul grown far too lean.
And now I sleep…
Time to move on,
hold not the past, but future hue;
time to move on
from the ones who expertly con
the herds of sheep to see their view
with nothing more than facts askew.
Time to move on.
Of Tiger Lilies and the Reddest Roses by OneWithTheStars, literature
Of Tiger Lilies and the Reddest Roses
Your hands caress my trembling formto sow the seeds of love in skin,your lips are soft, tender, and warm…ignite in me this fire within.To sow the seeds of love in skin,my defense yields to your resolve—Ignite in me this fire within,and in your arms, passions absolve.My defense yields to your resolveas you then paint your loving strokes,and in your arms, passions absolve;my song-filled pleas your touch evokes.As you then paint your loving strokes,seducing me into your hold,my song-filled pleas your touch evokesto bring my soul into your fold.Seducing me into your hold,we share our joy and become oneto bring my soul into your fold…I know the bliss your love has done.We share our joy and become one,your lips are soft, tender, and warm;I know the bliss your love has done…Your hands caress my trembling form.
A Mantra and A Prayer by OneWithTheStars, literature
A Mantra and A Prayer
Against allsense of reason, breathe…Calm the agony;push it down.Endorphinscannot win this fight;gargantuan oddsmake it hard.If onlysomeone else would justkill this vile demon—or linger…Maybe thenI could face the noise,or else drown it outfor good. Please…Quivering,I just seek some rest—safety in your arms;together.Until thenanguish and love viewithin my poor heartnow xeric…You alonecan help me reach Zen.
Spring seems so sereneSloppily slushing aboutPlaying in puddlesSummer soars in skySweltering sun shines aboveHigh hopes holding heatAutumn amazesLeaves freely falling from treesColors congregateWinter wears on oneWhite wares hug and hold the worldWrapped in snowy shield
Of Regal Bearings Come Ill Tidings by OneWithTheStars, literature
Of Regal Bearings Come Ill Tidings
An affronting barbcatches those in iron hold,exuding vile stuffgathered in the aftermath:Infect, multi-taj,kill lungs, blood nonfunctional.Masks formed, fitted onover washed hands, gloves, gowned up.Quick for an answer,studies posed and research sought,untried and improv,willing subjects test new vax…Ye crown virus quiz.
Burden Bore by Oracle and Glaive by OneWithTheStars, literature
Burden Bore by Oracle and Glaive
Take me away from this dark blight
against the scourge that blinds our sight;
infections worsen by the day
and cripple bodies to decay,
condemn the world in horrid plight.
The miasma thickens, steals sunlight,
the death of hope in endless night
while daemons roam, feast on their prey.
Take me away…
And in my soul, a spark; ignite,
to garner strength, Beacon of Light:
Unholy plague, my life I weigh
to stand against all in my way,
for faith is fire; I will burn bright!
Take me away…
You came in with the force of a tempest gale,awe-inspiring and frightening in one:The seduction laced within your dominance,woven spell, so my defenses came undone,caught up in your swell and lost for all my sense…Oh, Casanova, your love-art is brilliant,as fire, ignited in your arms, steels romance;heart in heart, caught, the both of us, knight valiant,no longer hidden, are you, by manly veil—The depth you possess, it matches an ocean,only contested by steadfast devotion.
Mark of the Unloved by OneWithTheStars, literature
Mark of the Unloved
Aftermath comes far too late;torn asunder, my universe breaks…Cleaving of a heart never hurt so much,both blood and ectoplasm leak, drain…Disfigured remnants darken, grey,casting the world into a morbid evening,forlorn, premature, bearing only ill tidingswhile a pallid moon wanes, falls to the ground.Ghastly specters rise from their graves,each holding visages, names, and histories…Incantations lamenting from their idling throatsmoaned, groaned, wailing with unhinged jaws.Jaded by apparitions that haunt endlesslycome to remind me of past failures, I know;love isn’t meant for someone such as I.(Perhaps just a fantasy, or a worn out memory…)Misguided by you, oh, master of the dead,playing proficiently in your art of necromancy,opening wounds I had in vain sealed shutto dance me lifelessly with you as puppeteer.Parading ghostly flames to make my wounds achejust enough to stitch me into your human quilt,resuscitation feigned until the moment was right:With blade drawn, my heart was met by
Reading You is Fundamental by akiestar, literature
Reading You is Fundamental
Reading you
for you caught
heart's desire.
I am a
furled to your love,
so plain-spoken,
a witness
your innocence,
and bound by
warm affection.
As long as
lungs fill with air,
and this heart
to nature's call,
I'll always
on guard for you,
two hearts tied
so long as
has willed it so.
And I pray
no matter what,
nothing here
keep us apart.
The Hydrocyanic Laurel by OneWithTheStars, literature
The Hydrocyanic Laurel
Asphyxiationbegins the moment her voicecuts through the tranquility of my mind—disturbing and destroying the balance—echoing the vilest of sentiments,forever driving wedges while conjuringgrotesque creatures to stir and gather.Hovering as vultures to prey on my carrion,inevitably lost in the wake of her wrath,justifying her hatred as they continue to feast,killing all sense of goodness that could be there.Living has become far too painful in her presence;masochistically, I don’t make effort to escape,neither am I allowed to bear shield nor sword…Overwhelmed by the powers that hold me down,pressing upon my chest and strangling my neck—Quiet, my breathing slows and I close myself off,resurrection will come soon enough if I just hold on:Silence the demons while my soul keeps its bridges open.Tendrils of her evil words slipping, slithering,unearthing every part of me trying to break free,visible, for this emotional vampire to suck dry.Withering my soul as chlorophyll abandons its
Exteriors Are Oft Deceiving by OneWithTheStars, literature
Exteriors Are Oft Deceiving
They say that chivalry is dead;I used to think that, too,for when my hand pulled my own door,the boys would rush in just before,no proffered hand in view.No proffered hand in view returned,my cynicism bredwith independence also learned,until I realized I’d been spurned,and not revered instead.And not revered instead, it hurt…but I did not foreseethe badass punk (or so you say)—a precious peacock, full display—that held the door for me.
Solid Gold Never Clad by OneWithTheStars, literature
Solid Gold Never Clad
The brightest hues of amber light brown eyes,emblazon starlight, splendor of your soulit rises full; the moon you cast aside…Reveal the truth once hidden deep inside—Yes, draw me in as Icarus to Sol:Dissolve my broken wings, so I might rise,incinerate the pride that hides my heartand like a phoenix, I will soar with you…My chains shall break from your imposing strength—A proffered arm, you take the greatest lengthto prove you’re more than my initial view:A handsome face, a flirt to play the part…But through that light, sincerity dispelledmy false impression; your beauty beheld.
Whispers of Two Hearts by OneWithTheStars, literature
Whispers of Two Hearts
Water gathers, soft
The gentle spring enraptures
Carrying the scent
Of lilies drawn and in bloom
Forever for you
The strength that passes
From your heart and into mine
Souls can be at peace
Entwined amidst the fragrance
Deepest love blossoming through