Dawntrail and Sena Bryer Drama by Kamuroshiryu, literature
Dawntrail and Sena Bryer Drama
Even with my unpleasant experiences of two breakdown seizures from playing Final Fantasy XIV for over 7 hours two years ago since last summer, I still hold my interest in the game as the very best game in my heart since it was my virtual place of refuge from the deconstruction of World of Warcraft.
Why I am bringing this up now, even since it has only been two months now, is because I have found some rather hair-raising drama surrounding the toxic American voice actress Sena Bryer, who is known for being a transman -- basically a man assigned at birth before having transitioned into a woman, i.e. Jim Sterling -- and he said that lots of FFXIV players have been cruel to him over his role for one of the supporting characters in FFXIV's latest -- and most polarising -- expansion Dawntrail called Wuk Lamat, who appears to be a beast-lady princess warrior. I had no knowledge of this character nor the expansion's content apart from the Aztec-themed islandic hub area Tuliyollal which looks