Death Battle Quotes- Evil Queen Son Jona Alucard by Jhnmichael2010, literature
Death Battle Quotes- Evil Queen Son Jona Alucard
Regular Quotes Entrance Quotes/• 1. You wish to fight me? A foolish decision!• 2. Hmph. Very well I'll play with you a little bit.• 3. You are throwing your life away challenging a Queen.
Win Quotes/• 1. How dull, I will end your pitiful life.• 2. Be gone from my sight weakling!• 3. Die and join the rest of your brethren in the afterlife!Results Screen Quotes/• 1. Hehehe it was obvious from the start that you're no match for my power!• 2. I am the Queen of the Vampires and sister to the Overlord! I must not ever lose!• 3. Hmmmmm, perhaps you can be a servant to me or my dear brother.Activating X-Factor:• Witness a Queen's full power pea...