Eula vs. The Drug Dealers by HeavenlyFemmeFatales, literature
Eula vs. The Drug Dealers
The night was completely silent. A lone guard stood outside a dingy bar. The neon sign flickering above him hummed monotonously as the seconds dripped by slowly.
“Another dull night shift” he thought to himself, “nothing exciting ever happens here.”
There were already two other guards inside the establishment. It seemed pointless to him not to have just split them up with one standing guard out here. It didn’t make sense either why they even had to guard a location in this part of town considering the keycode on the front door, but his boss was just paranoid of rivals and competition.
To be fair, his employer - who was tucked away at another location - paid quite well considering the mind-numbing nature of this shift. However, the longer the lone guard stayed here, the more it felt like his personal motivation for a future was draining away.
“I should quit soon” he thought, “do something more meaningful. Get into music or painting. Maybe even play some sports.”
He sighed and