Sibi origin prompt 3- Meeting the esk by lunaLights90, literature
Sibi origin prompt 3- Meeting the esk
There Sibi lay, her body trembling, her vision blurry. She had given up at this point; No one cared about her and neither did she care about herself very much. She looked around at what surrounded the area she sat at. The lake, the beautiful trees, all of it was a part of this world that she would soon leave. Sibi was aware that she would be leaving the world, and she was fine about it, really she was. Internally, she knew that her passing would not have much impact on the lives of anyone else. Her family would never know, and they would notice it either. Sibi’s parents had already distanced themselves from her “ways”. She had no friends, and she had no previous intent on having any. She had been an only child, which gave her parents more disappointment when they figured out she was leaving, so there were no siblings that would worry or care about her. The only people that would even slightly notice her disappearance would be the staff at her college. The teachers would probably ignore
Sibi origin prompt #10 by lunaLights90, literature
Sibi origin prompt #10
“This is the day that you find something new” Sibi reassured herself over and over. The only clues she had about her past was the dark blue in color helmet that stood next to a patch of grass, stained by a red substance she hoped wasn’t what she thought it was. The red color was faint, washed away by past times that it had rained. She would occasionally stroll by the helmet, but the memories it brought back were filled with despair. She dare not try to dig deeper and recall specific details. Sibi moved from her idle stance into a sitting position and contemplated revisiting it one more time before she momentarily left her safe haven surrounded by trees. Maybe taking one more look would help, or maybe it would ruin her whole experience and discourage her from leaving at all. Sibi trotted over to a ginormous rock that had been planted behind the lake that was somehow still at all times, though it flowed from a small river. The trees made way for rays of sunlight to escape through the