Growing Up, Endgame Part II by Darthkitty24, literature
Growing Up, Endgame Part II
“-ng.” Fresh tears fell to the floor. Her head was foggy, but she swore she could hear the sound of a baby crying. (Y/n) stumbled forward and braced herself against the kitchen counter.“Mom?” She looked down to see her son-in-law trying to pull himself up off of the floor. (Y/n) looked down at her hands and flexed them a few times. They were covered in dust that had gathered on the counter. The shrill cries of James brought her back to reality.“Where is Dani?” (Y/n) wiped her hands off on her pants, feeling her cellphone was in her pocket.“Shh, hush now baby boy, it’s okay.” Jonas rocked James in his arms. “I don’t understand what is going...
This is an Avengers Endgame alternate universe fic. Some might call it a "fix it fic". Enjoy!-------------------------------------- “I don’t want to go…” I sobbed into Stark’s chest, as he embraced me tightly. We stumbled onto the ground. So this is it then? I thought. I failed him. What else could I say but “I’m sorry.” Then my body turned to dust. And I blinked open my eyes. I opened my eyes expecting Tony to still be there by my side, still holding onto me. Except he wasn’t. I instantly sat up. Huh? What? He was just there. Wait. Don’t tell me… Did he vanish too? Did he turn to dust? No. Oh God, please no – “Is everyone awake?” Suddenly...