An Interpol officer's life is never easy, especially when not only your workmates know who you are, but also your enemies or any type of criminal.
During a cloudy afternoon with grey skies and subtle fog, Constable Neyla was roaming the streets of Paris as she reached the public train station. The purple-furred tigress was wearing a trenchcoat, a skirt and knee-high boots. She walked thoroughly inbetween the crowd and then she saw a very familiar face.
It was El Jefe, the notorious military commander and strategist. He was smoking a cigar as he noticed Neyla's presence.
-"Neyla..." He said in a gruff voice, a product of his smoking habit. It made him sound like a 40-something year old man.
Up until this point, the last time they crossed paths was during a dance in Bollywood, Neyla's land of origin. Altough there were sparks between them, it has been a while since they last met.
In fact, Neyla was a secret admirer of El Jefe, and being a savvy Interpol agent, she was the only one
Tournament of Kikai Side Story Section 13 Part 1 by Tinyhammer, literature
Tournament of Kikai Side Story Section 13 Part 1
We now return to a grinning Drake and Ashley.
“We are back!” Drake grinned. “Last we left off, Starfire has gotten the top slot and has four choices between. However, Yuri Sakazaki wants to make up for the last round by asking for her to choose.”
“And Starfire, being the pure-hearted soul that she is, agrees.” Ashley smiled. He then shrugged. “But then again, she is more focused on the villain plot.”
“Regardless, Yuri chose Mystery Reserves so now we will be having one more.” Drake grinned. “So not only will we have three Mystery Fighters instead of just two, but the final one is a fan-submitted one. Today’s welcome winner!”
Drake and Ashley then looked at each other with a smirk.
“...Is Tinyhammer!”
“That’s right, the one who came up with this recap has one of his choices from all of the way from Section FOUR!” Drake grinned. “Sooo for this section, we will do something a little different.”
Ashley nodded his head. “Tinyhammer has suggested TEN potential Mystery Fighters. So we
The Greenwear Revolution 06 by JimmyDimples, literature
The Greenwear Revolution 06
Chapter 6 Marta Morales sat on the small wooden stool in that safe house cabin in the woods. She didn't know how long she had to wait, where those guerrilla women went, or whether or not she was being watched, or by whom. She wondered why they were suspicious of her if they went through all that trouble to rescue her. She couldn't be in much more trouble if they actually used something that blasted the jail apart. El Jefe could only hang or shoot her once, anyway. And besides, what could she do to them if they thought she were a threat? All she had was the dress on her body and that was that. Or was it? Might have the police or army slippe...