Dragonkin, Part 1: Aurora by MichaelArchangelus, literature
Dragonkin, Part 1: Aurora
It was a quiet, summer morning; the soft sounds of chirping only interrupted by the soft crunch of shoes on the first floor. The sound faded as a young boy stepped into a large grassy clearing. The boy took a deep breath. Daniel loved the forest. The air was always cool and clean, and the tranquil rustles and chirps of the wildlife were always soothing. He turned his brown eyes upwards. Blue skies and a couple small, fluffy clouds were visible through the hole in the forest canopy. When he awoke this morning, he thought it would be terrible to let such a beautiful day go to waste. Daniel asked for permission to go on a hike. After multiple...
The Boy in the Pantry (1/4) by MichaelArchangelus, literature
The Boy in the Pantry (1/4)
**I would personally recommend hitting the little paragraph symbol up on the top right, it makes it a little easier on the eyes.**“ Eeyowch! ” Ezekiel quickly clamped his hand over his mouth, glancing around the room. Thankfully, no one in the house was close enough to hear him. When he was sure he wasn’t going to make any more unwanted outbursts, he slowly lowered his hand and took a deep breath, sitting down and tenderly upending his foot. A large sliver of bloody wood stuck out of the flesh, longer than his index finger. He winced as he gingerly removed the shard from his foot, a small trickle of red flowing from the wound. He tossed th...
The Boy in the Pantry (3/4) by MichaelArchangelus, literature
The Boy in the Pantry (3/4)
Ezekiel woke with a stretch, looking around the enormous bedroom. Early sunlight streamed into the room from the open shutters over the window behind him, softly lighting the cozy room. Ezekiel turned to see that his roommate was sitting up and resting against the shuttered window behind her bed. He wasn’t surprised to see that she was totally engrossed by a book in her hands, and she hadn’t noticed that he had woken up. Every morning since Eliza had found him, Ezekiel had woken to find her reading quietly to herself, enjoying one of the dozens of books she had scattered about the room.Not wanting to disturb the dragon, Ezekiel silently be...
A Slave's New Purpose (1/?) by MichaelArchangelus, literature
A Slave's New Purpose (1/?)
Arthur stared at the fence, just as he had done every day for as long as he could remember. He stared past the metal links to the road and the sparse forest beyond, barely paying the fence any attention. It was made of rusty cross-hatched barbed wire, just over ten feet tall and topped with spiraling razor metal that would tear any would-be escapees to shreds. To Arthur, a slave who had been born and raised inside the compound, it was a wall, a barrier between him and freedom. Today, Arthur gazed past the fence, barely seeing the jagged metal that kept him trapped. He watched the outside world, the world he never knew, with an intense long...
The Boy in the Pantry (2/4) by MichaelArchangelus, literature
The Boy in the Pantry (2/4)
**I would personally recommend hitting the little paragraph symbol up on the top right, it makes it a little easier on the eyes.** It’s in here, IT IS IN HERE WITH YOU,’ Ezekiel’s instincts screamed warnings at him as he struggled to remain calm. He remained completely motionless, breathing slowly and carefully as his heart fluttered out of control. He wasn’t sure if the dragon could see him from this angle, since he didn’t have a good view of the doorway, but he didn’t dare risk checking. The slightest movement or sound could catch the dragon’s attention. His heart hammering in his chest seemed to punctuate the silence as he heard the dr...