Waking the Dragon (NaLu one-shot) by Poke-lover88, literature
Waking the Dragon (NaLu one-shot)
Waking the Dragon He was inhumanly fast. Well, when it came to something he wanted, anyway. If he was told to go on an uneventful job he was as sluggish as a sloth and yet if there was food involved? He was a blur.Another one of those things he liked was sleeping in her bed. She'd duck into the kitchen to grab a glass of water before going to bed and when she'd turn back around, there he was… sleeping and snoring peacefully.She'd tried to catch him in the act. Pretending to walk off to then quickly turn around. He was still too fast for her. He wasn't even inside of her apartment and yet when she'd peek back over her shoulder, bam, there h...