The Gladiator lament by Historyandmythguide, literature
The Gladiator lament
Freedom a word so precious yet taken for granted
No one knows has no idea how important it is until it is taken away
Every day that word is taken for granted
You do not realize how fragile it is until it is too late
Now I am a slave with no freedom of my own
Every day I fight to live and to regain my freedom
Wow up in the stands they cheer and cheer as we fight to the death for their entertainment
One day the masters will know that their control will be as fragile as my freedom wise
Now I fight so I don't die to one day breathe in the air of freedom
When I am free I will cast off my chains and shackles
I will go to a place where I can never be taken again
where I will make sure that when they try to take my freedom again
They will do it over my lifeless body
But even in death I will be free from then
So take word and hear this
Keep your eyes open so they will never take your freedom
Review of Blue Moves by Elton John by GameUniverso, literature
Review of Blue Moves by Elton John
Album Review, “Blue Moves” by Elton JohnThere’s a sardonic narrator who has so much humor for blue tangos. At least, my imagination tries to hint me with its alluring colors as I gaze at this album’s front cover painting, which seems distressing to me while I’m pondering over those empty faces who lie in the fields with great strength of sadness and despair. Bernie Taupin is Elton’s lyric writer and takes command through his textual beauty to give more than a few ancient hints from the past as broken glass is perhaps stepped on by the album’s fictional narrator, someone who probably lives in the rural countryside with knowledge and visio...