Order 7: One Cup of Green Tea
A few years back I reached a point in my life were the only thing I really longed for was a blender. One day I got back home and there it was! Waiting for me! I never stopped thanking papa for it. Who would have guess that another of my wishes was going to be fulfilled as unexpectedly as that day...
I must admit, even though the Pawlace has been running for quite some time now, it's uncommon, but always wonderful to see it so full of life! Makes me think about the days when mama and papa owned the place.
A soft voice caught my attention while I was thinking about bringing papa's piano back to its former glory. I leaned over the counter for my latest customer was nowhere to be seen and when I stumble upon the wool I couldn't believe my eyes! Assistant Mayor Dawn Bellwether herself! In my shop! What an honor!
Though after looking around I thought I might be dreaming since no one else seemed to notice her presence and she had no escort whatsoever. She
The Plagues: Judy vs Bellwether by OnionDome, literature
The Plagues: Judy vs Bellwether
The Plagues: Judy vs Bellwether(We slowly zoom in on Zootopia as it begins to get overrun by all manner of the Plagues of Egypt, including frogs, flies, lice, and locusts. A Chorus begins to sing)Chorus:
Thus saith the Lord:
Since you refuse to free my people
All through the land of Egypt...
I send a pestilence and plague
Into your house, into your bed
Into your streams, into your streets
Into your drink, into your bread
Upon your cattle, on your sheep
Upon your oxen in your field
Into your dreams, into your sleep
Until you break, until you yield
I send the swarm, I send the horde
Thus saith the Lord(Judy Hopps appears and briefly watches...