Total Drama Darlin And The Boulder by AndrewKemp15, literature
Total Drama Darlin And The Boulder
PART 1: Start
Up in the Dandenong ranges in Sassafras on a hell was a mysterious boulder, it had stood alone for decades, the Yarra Ranges council had a group of workers go to the site near by to build a quarry, in Kallista the cannibal family saw the trucks with the rock from the site the cannibal boy growls (where's all this rock coming from) Darlin growls (the new quarry they are building, the rock is useful but i head its dangerous there) the little cannibal girl growls (what do you mean) Darlin growls (because of a big boulder i think its on to me) the cannibal boy growls (rubbish is an inanimate object it doesn't have a brain or eyes) Darlin growls (true but this one is suspicious) the cannibal woman growls (well see about that) back at the site the men use jackhammers to cut the rock, this causes the hell to vibrate and loosen, later it rained and the work stoped, the cannibal woman and Darlin go to the site Darlin looked at the boulder and was worried suddenly a big slap of