"I'm telling you I saw them! Just look outside my window, they're probably still there!""So you did buddy, so you did. Now lets get you back to your room while the nurses get your medication ready.""Guard what are you doing with that patient?""Just taking him back to his room so he can claim down.""Doctor you have to listen to me! I saw them!I really saw them!""Saw who?""Tiny men! Tiny men with ants! They were right outside me window! I saw them collecting something!""Tiny men with ants? Guard when after you deal with him tell the desk to make a note of this.""Already did sir. Now come on you let get back to your room and then maybe you ca...
Harens Principais e as Amazonas de Danxome by BrunoKopte, literature
Harens Principais e as Amazonas de Danxome
Um harém principal é o harém de um Príncipe ou Princesa de Kosinbia . A maioria de seus ocupantes se encaixa em dois tipos: Indivíduos com habilidades úteis à administração e poder de um principado. Pirógrafos, caçadores, líderes tribais, artsãos, generais, aventureiros, piromantes etc. A coleção de pessoas confiáveis e competentes que qualquer governante precisa para manter a sua posição e/ou a segurança e estabilidade de seu povo, é unida por laços matrimoniais em um principado. Muitos destes laços são simbólicos, tendo mais em comum com o juramento de lealdade de um vassalo a seu suserano do que qualquer relação amorosa. Pessoas s...
OGCD High Seas Fleet Bases and Expeditions by SheldonOswaldLee, literature
OGCD High Seas Fleet Bases and Expeditions
As the United States Jeannette Expedition departs San Francisco under George W. De Long, searching for a new pioneer route trough the Bering Strait and a passage across Northern Canada if possible, some in Germany question if they should send more own such expedition to not only investigate and learn more about the world, but to bring prestige back to Berlin and Germany. In the Pacific meanwhile Germans, Americans and British all eye the tropical paradise of Hawaii, each seeking to use the ideal North Pacific natural harbor, as a main naval base for themselves. The Germans to project their power better into the Pacific, the British to oppose moves of their rivals, the Americans and the Russians to do the same and the Americans to grow themselves further Westward into the Pacific. A German possession potential could alienate the Americans and British and push them together into an anti-German Camp, while some even fear the French might be interested in the islands. But