LWP: Patient Zero (The Newcomer) Part I by wkeeble12, literature
LWP: Patient Zero (The Newcomer) Part I
-After the escape of; The City of War. It felt like years, as we continued above the landscape of the valley of death.
The only sound, and feeling, was the movement of the aircraft. And the repeated whirring sounds of the propeller. Outside said aircraft, were the faint sounds of the wind-- As it screams and whistles against the sides.
So far-
Home, is not quite close enough--
- - - -
Inside; We see-- Pibby, who still suffers from exhaustion, and malnutrition. Finds herself fast asleep. As the people who saved her, make their way back
to "Base".
Unknowingly, their passenger-- who happens to be wide awake, continued to observe the two; "Pibby" and "Melira" . . . for the full extent of-- Who the hell knows-- hours so far . . . making their lady friend feel quite... Uncomfortable.
"Talk about creepy," whispers Melira.
She wasn't talking to either of those in the aircraft, but said the comment to herself inwardly. As she really felt the fur on her body stand . . As our guy;