Desert Calling - Cottonwood Valley by TropiCat212, literature
Desert Calling - Cottonwood Valley
Being lonely was getting tiring. It was that way for anyone, no matter how social or antisocial your species was. Riot had been continuing his endless walk for weeks now, with no end in sight. Food had gotten scarcer as he’d made his way into the savanna, then a red-sanded desert. It was exhausting. Between a lack of water and his dark-colored coat, Riot had been contemplating simply lying down and refusing to move until he died. But the thought of those feathered rot-hunters plucking his flesh from his bones was enough to keep him from doing so. It sent a shiver down the stallion’s spine. Those beady eyes and sharp claws.
A fresh gust of wind had Riot squinting his eyes, planting his hooves a little deeper into the sand. He’d seen horrible clouds whirl upwards into the sky, far off towards the horizon. He’d watched them swallow everything in their path, and when he’d caught up to the place they came from, there was nothing left. Dust storms, he’d recalled these things to be. But
His First Battle Scar | Cottonwood Valley by TropiCat212, literature
His First Battle Scar | Cottonwood Valley
The crisp, cool fall breeze swished through the young stallion’s mane. Mercury lifted his head, tilting it towards the bright blue sky. His nostrils flared as he breathed in the fresh air, enjoying the day’s serenity. Beneath his tan hooves the browning grass gently blew back and forth to match each gust of wind. The young stallion’s empty train of thought was broken by a deep grumbling. He flattened his ears against his head out of embarrassment, glad that no one else had been near to hear his stomach growling. Sniffing around, he finally found the perfect patch of grass to eat. Even though the grass was partially dead, it tasted just as ...
CV | The Strength of His Love by Convolure, literature
CV | The Strength of His Love
The sun hit Kaiserion's eyes, reflecting off a freshly laid layer of snow. The young stallion's ears swiveled rapidly as he looked around and inhaled the winter air. The frosty breeze stung his nostrils and cooled his lungs. Kai had been running for what felt like days, searching for his mother's herd. Around a week ago, the herd had a run-in with poachers and had scattered across the valley. Kai had watched as his mother's sister fell into frozen lake and vanished beneath its surface. He had watched another mare be snagged around the neck with a rope, to be dragged away by two strange creatures sitting on a pair of spotted horses. The horses who escaped had fled in every direction, amid a flurry of screams and hoofbeats. Kaiserion lost his mother in the fray, and feared for her fate.
Days later, Kaiserion had spent the last of his energy on his restless wandering. He had barely slept or eaten since the attack and he was exhausted. The soft snow seemed inviting so
CV || Silly Colt, You Knew Better by v-Fantascape-v, literature
CV || Silly Colt, You Knew Better
Really, he knew better. He really did. He had no excuses, no alibis. His mother had made sure to drill any sort of things out of him, and make it clear she would not endure such nonsense. And that would exactly be what she would call it. Nonsense. Foolishness. It probably was, to be honest. Just because he had grown up in their solitary lifestyle didn't mean he knew how to handle himself if a sticky situation arose, even if his mother had been firm on telling him how to handle such. Learning by ear was far different than learning by experience.
Haakon knew that, and yet, he trekked still onward with his little expedition, the earnest sounds of birds almost beckoning him forward. It was early morning, and the little leopard appaloosa colt had snuck away while his mother still slept. He didn't mean to deceive his mother. He knew she would not be pleased with his act of defiance, but he just had to do this. Since he could wobble upon his legs, his mother had shunned him from other horses
The time has come, the time that the small group of mares were looking forward to. The time that Molly, the beautiful Red Dun mare, specifically, was excited for. After all, she had been wanting a foal for quite some time, but she seemed to have low fertility.
The group of mares went to a safe area and before long, a few foals were born within the group. Molly struggled a bit, as it seemed the foal was stuck.
Trussy, the herbalist of the herd, came with the group of mares and helped the best she could. Once it came to light that Molly was having issues, Trussy made her way over to assist to the best of her abilities.
Soon enough a beautiful healthy little Red Dun Roan Tovero foal was born. Molly was relieved to know the babe was healthy and alive.
"Congratulations Molly, you gave birth to a little colt!" Trussy said gently wrapping her neck around Molly's neck.
"Thank you Trus, I wouldn't have been able to do this without you.
Kaiserion sniffed the air and tilted his head slightly. He caught a hint of something familiar on the air, the scent of a mare. Kai took off at a trot, chasing the scent to a small clump of densely packed trees. Among the bases of the trees, a mare lay curled up with her head resting on the ground and her eyes closed. As Kai approached, the mare's eyes snapped open and her head abruptly rose from the ground. With a great deal of snorting and fumbling, the mare rose to her feet. She had clearly been sound asleep as of a moment ago and was having trouble waking up fully.
Kaiserion cautiously approached the bright coated lady, his ears swiveled forwards towards her as he sheepishly stepped ever closer. He did everything in his power to make his body language as friendly as possible, throwing in a playful head toss and a nickered greeting. The mare seemed unimpressed by the young stallion as she pinned her ears and gave Kaiserion an intimidating stare, taking a
Silvana had two problems.
The first was that she was ill. She initially thought that she caught whatever sickness Celeano had, but she was neither coughing nor as lethargic as she. Silvana was just cold. Really cold. She huddled with Anri for the night and the walls of the cave kept away the wind and yet she still felt frozen to the core.
When the inside of the cave turned gray with the cold light of morning, most of the herd stepped outside to enjoy the sunshine and open space. Silvana and Celaeno however stayed inside, laying on the ground with their backs pressed together to share body heat.
Silvana’s other problem was that she was certain she was pregnant. The pregnancy itself was not a bad thing--in fact she was quite excited about it. Being surrounded by a family and raising foals with horses she loved had been a longtime dream of hers. Now she was pregnant, and living with two horses she deeply cared about. Having a little foal of her own was something that she looked
Beowulf observed the ranch for several minutes before he moved on. As tempted as he was to get a closer look at the horses in the pasture, he was not willing to take such a huge risk.
His weary limbs protested as he walked and his coat was uncomfortably damp. Every inch of the sky above was covered by clouds, but blissfully the rain seemed to have stopped for the time being. Eventually the ranch disappeared from sight.
The valley was quiet. All he could hear was the sound of his hooves against the grass and the distant calls of birds.
He found a copse of trees, and after a brief inspection, deemed it a worthy place to settle for the night. He eased his body into the soft grass and scattered leaves and let the gentle swaying of the tree branches lull him to sleep.
Beowulf slept for longer than he intended. When he opened his eyes a few hours later, sunlight shone dimly through the branches above him. He got to his hooves and shook out his mane. He rocked back on his haunches