I leave my words lazily adrift
On the evening tides
Pushing outward and over
The darkening horizon
Light and quiet they sail
In tune with the waves,
Blissfully ensnared
By their phantom chords
Pushing away
From the draw of my pulse
Rushing back and forth
Between peace and peril
I find them still tethered
To the silver thread of dawn
And scatter them at dusk
With a heartsick prayer
Devil Card (key 15 in Tarot)/Capricorn, Saturn, Midheaven and 10th House (astrology)/early winter and winter solstice/ apex but also the Beginning of the End of any cycle/Empires, the status quo, consensual reality, corporations, most mainstream political and economic institutions, linear time/ duration, patience and longevity/ mastery, peak experiences, success, ambition, goals/ the goat//monoliths/crystals and crystalized forms/ things (at least seemingly) engraved in stone/ the first half of the Early Modern period of history (appx.1475 to 1641)............
Tower Card (Key 16 in Tarot)/Capricorn and Aquarius combined, Saturn and Uranus, including their cycle of about 45 years/ 10th and 11th Houses/ periods of reform and/or of revolution/rebellions within societal monoliths/challenges to and/or illuminations of (lightning strikes to) the status quo/the 3rd quarter of the Early Modern period of history (appx. 1641 to 1724), when the Enlightenment was just getting underway but with