People's Empire of the Cloven: Notable Individuals by BrutalityInc, literature
People's Empire of the Cloven: Notable Individuals
Zora Kalakov, the People's Empress
Vikont Byalagora, the People’s Secretary
Character: AntiheroicAntivillainous (Depending on interpretation)
Alignment: Lawful NeutralLawful Evil (Depending on interpretation)
Type: Disillusioned Noble, Revolutionary Leader, Master Bureaucrat, Scheming Politician
Faction: People’s Empire of the Cloven (Commission of People’s Secretaries)
“It is sometimes necessary to bent or ignore certain rules and principles for the benefit of a cause, just as it is sometimes necessary to uphold and acknowledge certain rules and principles at any costs.”
The leadership of the revolutionary People’s Empire of the Cloven are varied in both numbers and views, and beyond those who arose from below, there are those who came from above which joined the revolutionary cause from above who defected from the very tyrants they were once part of. Besides the famous and beloved People’s Empress Zora Kalakov, who was a former princess, another notable member of