A Blight Infestation- Ch. 3 by NostalgiaStudiosinc, literature
A Blight Infestation- Ch. 3
At the Blight Manor, Odalia Blight was sipping a cup of tea, pondering on what to do today after everything that's happened so far.
"OH GLOB!" Her husband shrieked at the top of his lungs. This caused her to spill her tea.
"Dammit, I better go see what Amity did this time." Odalia sighed, used to what was happening. As she left for the living room, her look of frustration quickly left her face and her eyes widened and jaw dropped when she saw the living room filled with Amity Blight clones. The rest of her family was carefully navigating through the clones.
"What in blazes?!" Odalia said horrified.
"What's going on?!" Alador asks.
"Mom, it isn't what it looks like!" Half of the Amity Blight clones said, horrified. The other half advanced towards their family, incoherently chanting/arguing that they're the real Amity.
"It looks like an illusion spell gone wrong!" Odalia said, sternly.
"Mittens, how is there this many of you?" Alador said, shocked.
"We don't know!" An Amity clone