Cartoon Stars Singing A Girl Worth Fighting For by RDJ1995, literature
Cartoon Stars Singing A Girl Worth Fighting For
(Chorus)For a long time we've,
Been marching off to battle.(Eddy)In our thundering herd,
We feel a lot like cattle.(Chorus)Like the pounding beat
Our aching feet aren't easy to ignore(Brak)Hey! Think of instead,
A girl worth fighting forDipper Pines: Huh?(Brak)That's what I said,
A girl worth fighting for...
I want her paler than the moon,
With eyes that shine like stars(Eddy)My girl will marvel at my strength,
Adore my battle scars.(Owen)I couldn't care less what she'll wear or what she looks like.
It all depends on what she cooks like.
Beef, pork, chicken.
Mmm(Eddy)Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer.(Brak)And I'll bet...
TTG - Doug (Raven's Sick) - conceptual sketch idea by PeachLover94, literature
TTG - Doug (Raven's Sick) - conceptual sketch idea
INT. TITANS TOWER - LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOONThe H.I.V.E. Five (Gizmo, Jinx, Mammoth, See-More and Billy Numerous) are stuck at the Titans Tower for the weekend as Cyborg and Robin keep watch over them when Raven comes in feeling like hell followed by a concerned Starfire.RAVEN: (yawn) Oh man, am I tired or what? CYBORG: Well, you get a good night's sleep last night? RAVEN: Well, if you call getting up every half-hour and throwing up a good night's sleep; then, Yes, I had a wonderful night! STARFIRE: Poor Raven. Are you feeling ill? RAVEN: I just got a sour belly is all. Beast Boy and Silkie come up with medicine for Raven from the e...
TTG - Hoagy - conceptual sketch idea by PeachLover94, literature
TTG - Hoagy - conceptual sketch idea
It is raining outside, and Robin sits down on the couch as Beast Boy and Cyborg wonder what is bothering him.Beast Boy: Hey, Robin, you don't look so hot.Robin: I don't feel so hot, Beast Boy. I ate one of those "whole hog hoagies" for lunch, and... Ugh! It's laying on my stomach like a concrete block.Beast Boy: Ooh! Uh - why don't you try sittin' on the potty for a while?Cyborg: You're just like my Momma, Beastie. She believes all of life's problems can be solved by sitting on the potty. Momma always said, "The world would be a better place if the leaders of all the great nations would spend ......