THCGP Chapter 38: Listen For Hiccup and Spasm by PKMN37, literature
THCGP Chapter 38: Listen For Hiccup and Spasm
The Hiccup Cup Group Project
This is an anthology story of some of our favorite characters given the hiccups through a mysterious, shape-shifting chalice. The Hiccup Cup can take the form of any cup, from plastic to its original iron form. Its origins are unknown but some believe that it was created by a hiccup-loving wizard of a faraway kingdom to give the women of the town hiccups at will. It’s been a thousand years and the cup continues to find its way from place to place.
Unlike your average hiccups, these are incurable and last for thirty minutes, longer if the user gets refills. The magic of the Hiccup Cup makes the user hiccup with their mouth open.
If you wish to post a chapter of your own, go here and add a chapter. I'll then copy it and I'll paste it here. While I prefer that each entry be signed, it's fine if you wish to be anonymous.
Note: Each entry is allowed