Aladdin: Shocking Pachyderms by IncredibleIntruder, literature
Aladdin: Shocking Pachyderms
There was turmoil in Agrabah.
Their beloved princess had met some sordid fate, a surprising and rather bizarre transformation had been afflicted upon her, changing her beautiful form into something which was a far cry from elegance and grace: that of an elephant. None knew how such a thing even happened, yet the citizens were somewhat accustomed of the wild adventures and all that those entailed when it came to Aladdin, Jasmine and their entourage. They did have a genie and a flying carpet among their friends, their enemies went from spell-casters to even gods and, as such, as sudden as it was, it was almost to be expected that something this bizarre might just occur, like when she had been turned into a serpentine version of herself. Still, for all the troubles that they did bring or save them from, the populace did like the street rat whose destiny seemed to become their next sultan along with the amazing and strong-willed princess as their tales were the highlight of many