The War of Blood and Fire - Chapter Seven by TheFirstSagemaster, literature
The War of Blood and Fire - Chapter Seven
Kuungar felt blessed to be in the presence of the Herald of Khorne. Despite the dishonor he had been treated to before, he had managed to claw his away into something of a better respect amongst his peers. Every cut he gave, every drop of blood he spilled, regained his honor and favor among the Bloodlords. Kuungar had fought viciously against the duardin who had marched out in force against the followers of Khorne.
The Herald was oblivious to Kuungar's thoughts. Instead, he stood stoically at the top of a large structure hastily built that allowed the Bloodlord to gaze over his army, the siege weapons, and the city of Valkendreng.
"Give me your report, warrior,"
Kuungar bowed and said, "The duardin led a small host to attack our machines, but we defeated them. At great cost, but many were slaughtered."
Kuungar tossed several beards, cut and scalped from the jaws of dead Fyreslayers, onto the ground near the Herald's feet. The Bloodlord looked down before gazing back up. Kuungar