in fact i feel really bad for hating on trollface / trollge
i still feel bad for him because i am really sorry for throwing all my hatreds and saying bad shits about him that wasn't even real
that's why anti furries , trollface ruiners , heartless peoples , fox haters and edgelords needs to absolutely be stopped
they're ruining everything and making my favs against everything love and cute
and that's why i suffer so much that i go insane and attack everyone and everything
these peoples are just messing with my health and my sanity and they driving me into madness😢😭
trollface / trollge is furry protector and kaaf by RandomKaafGuy, literature
trollface / trollge is furry protector and kaaf
cry about it peoples who keeps making trollface / trollge (my favorite character) into heartless anti furry and against furries and everything about love when i love furries and everything cute at same time as him
12th A.F.D Profile #134
BY: Major 20224025
Profile: Rank and file Furry soldiers.
Alignment to the 12th A.F.D: Hostile
Identifying features
* Furry head colour varies on unit
* wears combat uniform of matching colour to there head(NOT ALWALYS THE CASE)
* little if any fur attached to the soldier
The head appears to enhance there field of vison.
improves hearing by 10x as well as having internal communion to other soldiers witch can not be over heard by recon teams.
They move in groups no smaller than 15 soldiers.
Keep a distance of 30ft unless your carrying nothing more than your clothes and a pistol they will hear your movement.
Try to identify the group leader at all costs.
1.Unless supported by armoured units retreat at all cost. if supported by armour continue fire fight.
2.iF Profiles #172 are on the ground RUN LIKE hell we haven't figure out there armour yet. Even if supported by tanks
3.if unable to carry out point