Eye of the Serpent (Fossil Fighters Fanfic) by Spinaxxx1, literature
Eye of the Serpent (Fossil Fighters Fanfic)
Far out in the middle of the ocean there was an island. It was inhabited by humans and dinosaurs….yes, dinosaurs! How was this possible you ask? Technology of course! This mysterious and blooming population was the result of the collaboration between two business partners: the brainy Dr. Diggins and the wealthy Mr. Richmond. The professor and archaeologist Dr. Diggins was the genius that made the dinosaur revival technology work and Mr. Richmond was the owner of the island. It took time to perfect the techniques and technology that brought the ancient reptiles to life, many trials and errors. But in the end, they came up with a system that revived fossils that were dug up from the island and eventually spread across the world.
This seems a bit dangerous, don’t you think? Large herbivores that could run you over and vicious carnivores that could tear you to pieces. That’s where another piece of the technology came in. Diggins fashioned a device into the revival machine that would