Where Are We Going With Ourselves, Spidey Kun by WorldJumpingFangirl, literature
Where Are We Going With Ourselves, Spidey Kun
Author’s Note 9/4/2023: I’m not so sure I’ll be putting this on the internet. It’s been several, several months since I ever thought about writing stories or any form of writing again for my heart to fly to.
Part of the driving force was that I got impatient in filling up a 4 year old journal, and that I started doing a new semi autobiographical story in it less than 2 weeks ago.
Where Are We Going With Ourselves, Spidey-Kun?
He arrived on her doorstep from Amazon on October 31st, 2022. When she released him from his packaging, she noticed that his right floppy leg wasn’t properly sewn together well. She wasted no time stitching him back up until she was confident that his leg was strongly secured.
The Spider-Man plush doll could sense a lot of emotions and doubt swirling around his new female owner. She was in her mid 30’s (at least 10 years older than his mid 20’s character’s status quo), and not as independent as an ordinary adult. Although she had a younger sister, the