Star Wars Infinities: Father and Son of the Suns 1 by Shoguneagle, literature
Star Wars Infinities: Father and Son of the Suns 1
Anakin Skywalker stood before the rows of T-65As lined up on the light grey duracrete tarmac, observing the ground crews that were working feverishly to accomplish the refueling and pre-flight inspections. He noticed Luke slowing walking in between the two lines of fighters, appearing to admire them. Anakin couldn’t fault him; they were well-designed craft, and perhaps just as nimble as some of the ones he flew nearly twenty years ago. He strode forward to meet up with his son, flight helmet in hand.“They remind me of the old ARC-170s from the Clone Wars,” Anakin remarked nostalgically. “Much larger than these X-Wings. But boy could they t...