Woman in blackTadarida on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tadarida/art/Woman-in-black-203256176Tadarida

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Tadarida's avatar

Woman in black



Just a quick painting. An unknown lady and a glass of absinthe...
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682x1000px 256.58 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Tadarida
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drigulch's avatar
This unknown Enchantress in ebony who cavorts in the shadowy, uninhabited back rooms of the cabaret with her close associate the Green Fairy, looks to be a one way ticket to Van Diemen's Land for some very lucky, unlucky soul who happens to get lost and wander the wrong way into her private imbibing parlor. The elegant Enchantress looks as if she would more than happy to have you sit and share a very dangerous drink with her. No telling though who you would be with or where you would be once you woke up.