Favourite Visual Artist
Too many styels to name. I have interest in many diffrent styles from epic to cutsy
Favourite Movies
The Expendables, How to train a dragon, Despicable me, Sin City, Demolition man, Godfather series
Favourite TV Shows
Mostly Slice of life, romcom animes and cartoons like Owl House, and old 90s early 00's toons.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Seven Sisters, Hallas, a lot of traditional, speed, thrash,heavy metal with a bit of Punk here and there.
Favourite Books
The Alchemist, The Hobbit
Favourite Games
Dark Souls series, Bloodborne,Elden Ring, Elder Scrolls, Fallout series, Fable series, Zelda Series, ect
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox Series X and PS4
Tools of the Trade
Clip Paint Studio, Paint Tool Sai, and PS CS4
Other Interests
Retro Gaming, gaming, computers in general