Hmmm. Well, at the moment Lupus controls everything I do, and don't do...
I have two grown kids (well, my baby is only 17 x3 )
I go aquarian often, and start too many project to finish.
I tend toward darker art and such. Still, depending on my mood it can change.
I write because I have to. It comes and I put it down. I have no pretentious outlook, and don't tolerate snobbery well.
I figure if I put it out there, someone will feel it, and I hope maybe they will see they aren't so alone after all.
And, just to share.
Dunno what else to type here =^)
Current Residence: Where ever I am...
Favourite genre of music: lots
Operating System: Toshiba Satelite, and XP
MP3 player of choice: Winamp - always stick with it
Wallpaper of choice: minimal
Skin of choice: RETROFUKATION-marshall by jg visuals
Favourite cartoon character: Stewie, Calvin and Hobbs! Spongebob
Personal Quote: Live real, love open, learning is infinity...