People once beleieved that you could indeed fall off the edge of the earth. Since then science has proven them wrong. Science has forgoten about Antarctica, a place where one nearly could fall off the edge. where life hangs in such a delacte balance fighting against the harshest climate on the planet. Where people can still walk over the horizon into new uncharted terratories, where people can simply dissapear, never to be seen again. A place so harsh and pure and simple that it strains the heart to take it all in at once. I have been shooting up a storm since I have gotten down here, and while I beleive that many of the shots I have taken are beautiful, I still struggle capture pure epicness of it all. I was hoping to have posted some shots by now, but the satalite internet we get down here is doggedly slow and I have been unable to upload a single image. I will continue to try, but I may not be able to post again untill I get back stateside at the beginning of the new year.
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