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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5)
My Bio

Current Residence: Canmore, Alberta
Favourite genre of music: all of it... or most of it.
Favourite photographer: Jim Brandenberg, Ansel Adams, Donald M. Jones,... there are way to many to list
Favourite style of art: Photography
Operating System: Central Nervous Ver. 3.20.86
Wallpaper of choice: Taught Ripstop Nylon rattling violently against the storm outside
Skin of choice: worn, weatherd, and calloused

Favourite Visual Artist
Wind, Water, Heat, Natural Selection
Favourite Writers
Thoreau, Robert Service, E.O. Wilson, Aldo Leopold, John Krakauer, Sigurd Olsen, Dawkins
Favourite Games
Throw rock at other rock, throw stick at rock, etc
Favourite Gaming Platform
the stern seat of a wood-canvas canoe
Tools of the Trade
Rebel T1i, woods time, patience
Other Interests


0 min read
I logged onto this page the other day for the first time in a long time. Enough time to be surprised my previous journal entry. An entry that I wrote more than a year and two jobs ago. I read it with a longing for the ice that I don't think I will ever quite be able to quell. It is a strange thing to have that burning, almost painful desire to go where you know you do not belong, but it is there never the less.Much has happened since I last wrote, but not enough to occupy my thoughts at this moment, and as such you will read about little to none of it. All I can say today is that I write from a wobbly table in a little bagel shop in Jackso...
anonymous's avatar
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People once beleieved that you could indeed fall off the edge of the earth. Since then science has proven them wrong. Science has forgoten about Antarctica, a place where one nearly could fall off the edge. where life hangs in such a delacte balance fighting against the harshest climate on the planet. Where people can still walk over the horizon into new uncharted terratories, where people can simply dissapear, never to be seen again. A place so harsh and pure and simple that it strains the heart to take it all in at once. I have been shooting up a storm since I have gotten down here, and while I beleive that many of the shots I have taken...
anonymous's avatar
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So wow. I guess I really never got around to posting as much as I had hoped to this summer. I took some great pictures, but never found the time to get onto a computer and put them up. sorry about that. Anyways, this field season will be over in a couple of days and its time to start the next. In the next few days I will be traveling South to Antarctica, where for 2 and half months I will live on the sea ice studying seals. I expect it to be spectacularly beautiful, however I just hope that I do not find it too daunting to get some great shots while I am down there. (I am afraid it may be difficult to find enough contrast in a world of whi...
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Profile Comments 56

anonymous's avatar
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Dani-Lefrancois's avatar
Thanks for the watch!! :wave:

<3 daniiiiiiiiii
ilikefish's avatar
Where are you? :tux:
Momotte2's avatar
Hello :)
I saw you have lovely marmots in your gallery , well if you want to enter in the World of Marmots group , I would be so happy ! :dance:
Raymaker's avatar
You've got some great work in your gallery!
T-poo's avatar
Well Thank you. I havent been able to keep up with posting on it during this field season, but hopefully this fall I will be able to start posting more frequently again.
tourofnature's avatar
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me identify the species of a bear I saw in Yellowstone this week. [link]

It looks like a black to me, but a ranger there said it was a young grizzly. Thanks
Sytrus's avatar
Thank you for your support. :)