LelianaSyrenCreates on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/syrencreates/art/Leliana-634545642SyrenCreates

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You know, I played Inquisition before any other Dragon Age game and, for me, going back and playing the previous games gave me such a better grasp on characters like Leliana that you just don't get from reading a wikipedia article. I was gonna romance her on my first playthrough on origins, but Alistair happened and made me do multiple playthroughs ^.^

As per usual, made with Photoshop 6, Wacom Art Tablet, and Brushes from Kyle's Megapack.

Additionally, please feel free to message me with suggestions for me to draw or just to chat! As it is, I'm planning on doing all the women of DAI and then moving onto men, but I'm open to your ideas and preferences!
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7855x4644px 14.41 MB
© 2016 - 2025 SyrenCreates
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Awesome drawing!!! Miss seeing you :D