I've recently started using some (low end) animation software. Slow learning curve, but I'm happy for the distraction. I have a host of chronic, apparently degenerative, health problems including Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (HT) and dysautonomia. I can no longer work, and since having a bad reaction in June to the medication I used to take to be able to eat some solid food, my health has gotten to the point where it's hard to get out of the house. So teaching myself how to use this software has been good, something to keep my mind occupied. Right now, I'm finishing up a short animated video about dysautonomia right now, it's rough and clearly beginner level, but I've really enjoyed doing it.
I suspect I'll be more a consumer here than producer since I can't draw worth a damn, and that translates into digital as well as hard copy. Despite my artistic deficiencies, I've always had a habit of doodling, drawing cartoons during boring or infuriating lectures at school. In high school, I got in trouble over contributing to some "collaborative desk art", i.e. a pen and pencil sketch of our algebra teacher naked, but for a his late 70s style glasses and a fig leaf. He was not impressed to find me adding some shading on his glasses and sent me to the dean's office. I have suffered for my "art"!