Sylestia's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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SairentoTsuki's avatar
Hi all! Recently got DA.
Am Sairento on Sylestia~!
FlowersAndAshes's avatar
Hi, guys Its Ashes ^^ I got a DA account :D
CipherSecrets's avatar
I started playing sylestia recently, and I played it for a few hours, maybe? I got through the tutorial, and that was about it. So I wanted to get back to play, and I went to the sylestia website, where it said i didn't have permission to view this page, error 403, etc. Anyone know why this happened and what I can do to fix it?
dewmilk's avatar
I play as Dewmilk
LatiosnLatias's avatar
I have a bunch of pets in my sales tab that need to go, any takers? Here's the link to my sales tab:…
artsysisterof5's avatar
I play Sylestia as derpaderpy
How did you create Sylestia?
You can breed, get an essence and generate a sylesti, or use a trap to catch a wild one.