Favourite Movies
A Walk to Remember, Shawshank Redemption, All Marvel!!!!, Rent, Push, The Princess Bride, Ella Enchanted, The Apparition, Avatar, The Italian Job, Despicable Me, The Last Unicorn, Hundreds of others.
Favourite TV Shows
Mythbusters ^^, Supernatural, Doctor Who
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Nickelback, Lifehouse, 3 Doors Down, A7x, Disturbed, Vitaa, A LOT more :P
Favourite Games
Muramasa The Demon Blade, Super Mario Galaxy 1&2, MarioKart, SuperSmash Bros Brawl & Melee, Pokemon
Favourite Gaming Platform
Wii, Playstation2, Gamecube, Nintendo DS
Tools of the Trade
Camera, Pencil and Paper, and the Internet/Computer, and Darkroom
Other Interests
Swimming, Figure Skating(a little), Animals ^^, Science, er..... I can't list all of them!!!