{ Quirk Display } Geo's Molten BodySweetSummerCourier on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sweetsummercourier/art/Quirk-Display-Geo-s-Molten-Body-823867110SweetSummerCourier

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{ Quirk Display } Geo's Molten Body



When in use, Nenka Iwayama's body transforms into lava. Her body temperature grows to that of actual lava, which is 700 to 1,200 °C (1,292 to 2,192 °F); her body can only adapt to these temperatures for so long, and she runs the risk of heatstroke or possible death. Additionally, if her body gets wet, it hardens and she must wait for her body to reheat, so she does poorly against water and other liquid quirks.

Because of the heat her body produces, she can melt and weld objects. With her body's ability to produce extra lava, she can "lavabend" it and manipulate it freely. Lastly, she can harden her lava body to create igneous rock armor.

This took 9 hours and was 45 layers!

Find out more about Nenka here!
My Hero Academia (c) Horikoshi Kouhei
Nenka Iwayama (c) :iconsweetsummercourier:
Image size
1200x1700px 863.61 KB
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