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'God, I hope she never reads this...

I'm not used to writing stuff like this in my notebook, but seeing as the variant didn't outright abandon me the second I told her the truth, I'd say this is a victory worth cataloging. I've set her back down over the pillow she's been sleeping on and I think she's finally managed to go back to sleep. I better make this brief in case she's not, though, don't want her to think I'm scribbling in this thing like it's some diary to express my damn feelings.

Yes, I told her. I told her everything.

Well, everything that really mattered at the time, I guess. We can cross the other bridges when we get there, though I doubt she'll be digging up any skeletons so long as I keep my mouth shut.

*note to self*
-stop bringing up Connie, I can't keep my composure-

In summary, she took most of it pretty well, as well as one might expect from someone who still thought they were just some ordinary human in a world full of people the size of skyscrapers. When I brought up the situation regarding us... *nervously scribbles out sappy remark* ... she reacted in a way that might've pushed me into one of my less flattering lapses. It wasn't her fault, I know that, how could she have ever taken news like that any other way than with disgust or horror? I wanted to jump out the window and end it all, and I think it almost happened, too. The only reason it didn't was because I was too busy giving the window a concussion (again, not my proudest moment) but she saw the worst of me on display. She must've thought I was an over-emotional freak. But then... crap, this isn't supposed to be this hard to write. She approached me. No prompting, no warning, she crossed the room to get to me, this big idiot holed up against the wall like the coward I am.

I'm looking down at her, some precious little creature I had no right to sully with these hands, and then she speaks to me. I can't explain the things I feel during those quiet moments between us, the chirp of her voice and those soft eyes looking up at me. When have I ever deserved anything so *erases in frenzied fluster* Stop that dammit! Stop acting like she could ever think of you the same way!! Know your place and your purpose: keeping her safe!

This did end up becoming a diary entry, didn't it? Forget it, I'm throwing this page into the fireplace.'

Discover more in my choose your own adventure story: Thereafter!

(It should be noted the representation of the viewer as seen here doesn't reflect the true appearance you take in the story. The main characters appearance plays no role outside of the shape of your pupils ((which I'd hope were round unlike Duster's)), which means you may take whatever liberties you want in the story in deciding how you look in the story itself.)
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Imakegiants741's avatar

She's reading it alright. ;P