The Little PrinceSweeet-Caroline on DeviantArt

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The Little Prince



"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

So I admittedly love the story of The Little Prince, and the movie that came out around 2017 is absolutely beautiful. Around last year my love for this character really sparked up again when I was stuck in quarantine for testing positive for COVID, and during that time I discovered Sky: Children of the Light - right when they had started the Season of the Little Prince.

That game alone was already such an emotional rollercoaster ride (and in a good way) but then on top of that I went through the Little Prince season and I easily got emotional all over again. So naturally I wanted to take my shot at drawing the Little Prince himself.

I actually wanted to experiment a little with some of my brushes this time around, and try to give a softer touch to the colors rather than the more sharper looking shadows and lights that I normally do? Cannot remember for the life of me what brushes I used for this, but overall I'm happy with how he turned out. uwu

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© 2022 - 2025 Sweeet-Caroline
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