SVM-TrueBlood's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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FairyJen78's avatar
HBO network: True blood should not be canceled!

If you haven't yet....PLEASE sign the Petition! True Blood deserves to have many more seasons to come...! If we want more Sookie,Bill,Jessica,Pam,Eric and the rest of the gang we need more signatures! V""V
unconventionalsenshi's avatar
okay, to whomever that has watched s05e09 last sunday: wtf is Bill doing????? :fear:
is there any discussion forum you guys know about TZrue Blood, where people can rant on the plot progress and last episodes? >_> because I really can't digest last episode, but have no idea who and where is discussing it. It seems there are no journals in the TB groups on dA regarding new episodes :( it's kinda sad... *sigh*
Yami-no-Mina's avatar
Thank you for accepting!! ^^
acdmow's avatar
krissygirl99's avatar
So this group is dead? Bummer!
RussianBookworm's avatar
Thank you so much for accepting me so quickly! I'm beyond estatic. I'll try to contribute in some way. (I think you'd be embaressed by my artwork. haha.)
masochisticlove's avatar
I've submitted a piece of artwork twice and both times it has expired. Can someone please explain what's going on?