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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Photography
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (30)
My Bio

I'm 14 years old)
I'm from Russia, from my lovely city St.Petersburg
Love taking photos, I hope you will like them :) (Smile)
you are welcome)

Favourite Movies
knockin' on heaven's door
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Blue Foundation

it's new days)

0 min read
Yeah) it's new School Quarter) it is time for change my life) Now I gonna study better) I wish you all good luck) and in studies and in personal life ^ ^ because it is now spring, and spring is a time of love and happiness)
anonymous's avatar
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summer is near

0 min read
агрр.. зима.. как меня уже бесит этот вечный снег и холод. пришла зима, и как будто по одному щелчку всё стало хуже не куда.. хочу лета. или хотя бы середину весны ^^ хочу солнца, хочу снять эти ужасные пуховики, одеть осенние ботильоны и любимую кожанку ^^ чёрт. хочу ехать на дачу, и что бы там не было интернета, только я, 6 сезонов Доктора Хауса, и моя лучшая подруга. хочу день рождение :) хочу подарков, хочу встретиться со всеми своими друзьями, помириться с теме с кем в ссоре.. хочу поехать в солнечную страну ^^ хочу в Тунис, Испанию или Грецию... до лета ещё долго, но я надеюсь что летом будет лучше.. от всего сердца надеюсь. а пока о...
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Snowflakes on the eyelashes froze, and a wry smile on his lips ... Winter - is an opportunity to start all over again .. every day I shall again and again their dreams in reality. is so beautiful. the best winter in my entire life lived! i'm happy! :) so warm and happy at heart:)winter promises to be full of adventures ..tip of the nose is slightly perceptible aroma of the New Year ... Christmas tree every glance involuntarily dresses up in tinsel and garland:) how did want to race around the streets in the world on the eve of the holiday, when everything sparkles and shines brings magic. perhaps it is here that sweeps Santa Claus in his s...
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Profile Comments 54

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Michael-Mercury's avatar
Happy Birthday dear Sveta !!
deministri's avatar
you have an amazing gallery :D (Big Grin) !
may I use one of your photos for a concept art portrait of you? :happybounce: 
plz visit my gallery to check out my art work with other models from dA :) (Smile)Rose
waiting for your answer La la la la
Zaigwast's avatar
:iconfemaleexcellence: Join us ! :D .... monthly art promotion awaits those with great art ! :#1:
If you do so, please submit to the correct category and do not forget about the rules. :aww:
coruskating's avatar
S dnem rozhdeniya! Bseh blag.
Korps88's avatar
Happy B-Day (:
coruskating's avatar
rocishop's avatar
Welcome to :iconsantimantal:
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