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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (363)
My Bio

Hehe... I guess most of the info about me had already been said in the FaceYourManga ID above.

So I come from the city of Poznan, which is located in the western part of Poland. Last year I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Russian. As of today I'm currently approaching my second year MA in English. Aside from this, I'm trying as best as I can, to improve my art and style, and learn as much as I can, so that I can use my skills in future. At the same time, I'm trying to complete my portfolio and fill out my sketchbook with as many studies as possible: after I, hopefully, manage to get through with my current studies, I plan on entering art school. It's a tough call, but I'll try my best to get there.

If you have any constructive criticism to offer: go ahead and write it down. :) (Smile)

Gadu-Gadu (polish messenger) - 2328383

OTHER WEBSITES: - my art blog.

Current Residence: My house
Favourite genre of music: almost everything that plays on the radio...
Favourite photographer: my mom :-) (Smile)
Favourite style of art: every kind, as long as it's art.
Operating System: Windows XP (on my comp), Windows 7 (on my laptop)
MP3 player of choice: Grunding (for music), Philips GoGear 4GB (for videos)
Wallpaper of choice: Jake and Neytiri from Avatar :3
Skin of choice: my own skin
Favourite cartoon character: Alucard, Goku, Grim, Billy Mandy, Jack Skelington, Sally, almost every chara from TLK, Frollo, Swoop
Personal Quote: Life is brutal.....

Favourite Visual Artist
Velazquez, Rembrandt, Bruegel the Elder, El Greco, Messys, Rubens, Michelangelo, Memling
Favourite Movies
The Fearless Vampire Killers/Tanz der Vampire/PotO/LotR/CATS/NBC/The Chronicles of Narnia/TF/Avatar
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
there won't be enough space to write all :P...
Favourite Writers
Stephen King, Edgar Alan Poe, Terry Pratchett, J.R.R Tolkien, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Favourite Games
Super Mario Bros., Pokemon, Quake, Tekken, Duck Hunter (I still wanna kill that dog ><)
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, Gameboy advance
Other Interests
Tanz der Vampire, PotO, musicals, anime & manga and many other things
Alright, since I started posting stuff again, I figured I might as well write an all new journal entry giving a full-fledged explanation as to why I had disappeared all the sudden and why wasn&#039;t I able to post anything new to my dA gallery.I&#039;ll try to keep the explanation as short as possible: for one, I don&#039;t want to bore you all with too many details. Secondly, if I were to write down all that has happened to me throughout the year or two in one go, I&#039;m afraid I&#039;d have to spend a couple good hours in front of my comp, and since it&#039;s nearing 9:00 PM where I live, and tommorrow I have a class early in the morning I&#039;m afraid I can&#039;t really ...
anonymous's avatar
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Hey gang!Hope you guys doing well. I&#039;m doing quite fine to be honest... everything&#039;s moving slowly but surely. I&#039;ve been doing a little thinking recently and decided that in the next couple of weeks I might post a few sketches here, in order to make my gallery more &quot;lively&quot;. I&#039;ve een doing some drawing recently, not only pencil sketches of still life for my portfolio but some casual drawing too... mainly as part of my stress relief. I admit, it does feel good to pick up a pencil and start drawing again... and it also keeps you from going insane.But first things first: gotta work on some stuff for my school, then start uploading some drawin...
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Hey all!Boy, it&#039;s been a while since my last update. Don&#039;t get me wrong, it&#039;s not because I don&#039;t care about dA anymore or anything - it&#039;s because I&#039;ve been so much preoccupied with my Univeristy work and all, that I barely have time for anything, even drawing. I still draw an occasional fan art picture from time to time, but I still I do it rarely. Also, the only type of drawings that are draw frequently are still life and model sketches, because I need to practice as hard as I can and try to complete my portfolio if I ever want to apply for the Art Academy.But coming back to the main subject - I&#039;ve done some thinking recently, and it mad...
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Profile Comments 5.3K

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Nortstar's avatar
Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin :) (Smile)
Star10's avatar
WSzystkiego najlepszego :D :icongiftplz::iconcakeplz::party:
Nortstar's avatar
Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin :)
totuio's avatar
ZureLazuli's avatar
Happy Birthday!  Birthday cake  icon 
ZureLazuli's avatar
Thank you for the watch Bunny Emoji-87 (Thanks) [V5] 
SkekLa's avatar
Awww, thanks a lot for the watch, Suzie! :hug: 
you're truly most kind! ^^
I'm watching you back! :la: