Hehe... I guess most of the info about me had already been said in the FaceYourManga ID above.
So I come from the city of Poznan, which is located in the western part of Poland. Last year I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Russian. As of today I'm currently approaching my second year MA in English. Aside from this, I'm trying as best as I can, to improve my art and style, and learn as much as I can, so that I can use my skills in future. At the same time, I'm trying to complete my portfolio and fill out my sketchbook with as many studies as possible: after I, hopefully, manage to get through with my current studies, I plan on entering art school. It's a tough call, but I'll try my best to get there.
If you have any constructive criticism to offer: go ahead and write it down.
Gadu-Gadu (polish messenger) - 2328383
alraune89.tumblr.com - my art blog.
Current Residence: My house
Favourite genre of music: almost everything that plays on the radio...
Favourite photographer: my mom
Favourite style of art: every kind, as long as it's art.
Operating System: Windows XP (on my comp), Windows 7 (on my laptop)
MP3 player of choice: Grunding (for music), Philips GoGear 4GB (for videos)
Wallpaper of choice: Jake and Neytiri from Avatar :3
Skin of choice: my own skin
Favourite cartoon character: Alucard, Goku, Grim, Billy Mandy, Jack Skelington, Sally, almost every chara from TLK, Frollo, Swoop
Personal Quote: Life is brutal.....