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Everybody knows Turians own the dance floor...
So I finally finnished playing Mass Effect 3, so I can sort of concentrate on... everything else.
MY GODS. That game. THAT GAME. I will only say it's gloroius because somehow i KNOW bioware is trolling us with that ending and will revealing their secret plot soon.
So here is Lara Shepard and Garrus getting their grooves on. Wow, after this game, my fondness for Lara has become absolute love. Not sure I'll be able to play as another Shep ever again
Oh yah, I believe Garrus's lines here are inspired on a Futurama episode where Leela does the robot like a boss and pawns even Bender. Yay for nerdness.
So I finally finnished playing Mass Effect 3, so I can sort of concentrate on... everything else.
MY GODS. That game. THAT GAME. I will only say it's gloroius because somehow i KNOW bioware is trolling us with that ending and will revealing their secret plot soon.
So here is Lara Shepard and Garrus getting their grooves on. Wow, after this game, my fondness for Lara has become absolute love. Not sure I'll be able to play as another Shep ever again
Oh yah, I believe Garrus's lines here are inspired on a Futurama episode where Leela does the robot like a boss and pawns even Bender. Yay for nerdness.
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© 2012 - 2025 suthnmeh
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I love it-and I suspect Joker dances better than Shepard, anyway.