ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp

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Tetra is around 17 as a child she always wanted to do races but when she became a teenager her eyesight became poor so she wasn't alowed to enter races herself but she instead became a mechanic her main Pokemon is Snoil obvously she has Oil stains all over her clothes she is confident and outgoing but often gets ignored anyways her hair color was bright brown but over time it got black from all the oil.
She may be ralated to Cara Liss
I´m so happy with what my lovely GF did with the background and text it looks so great!!!
What your still reading?
Well her Pokemon Snoil is a Poison Fire type it´s Aility is Power Suply wich removes any recharge drawback of moves for one attack like Hyperbeam having no recharge phase or Solar Beam not needing to charge either.
SP.Attack 95
SP.Defense 110
She may be ralated to Cara Liss
I´m so happy with what my lovely GF did with the background and text it looks so great!!!

What your still reading?
Well her Pokemon Snoil is a Poison Fire type it´s Aility is Power Suply wich removes any recharge drawback of moves for one attack like Hyperbeam having no recharge phase or Solar Beam not needing to charge either.
SP.Attack 95
SP.Defense 110
Image size
880x1430px 690.81 KB
© 2021 - 2025 SushibiX3
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