Deviation Actions

The Third Earth Wars is a conflict between the Dark Brotherhood (Nohr, Adrestian Empire, Rigel, and Eggman Empire) and the U.F.E. (United Forces of Earth) (Hoshido, Faerghus, Ylisse, and U.F.M.) from 3012 ATB to 3020 ATB. It was started with a Nohrian Invasion and Garon declaration of the Third Earth Wars and ended with the Battle of the Moon. It was the deadliest war in Earth's history with nearly 60 percent of Earth population was wiped out.
U.F.E. victory (overall)
Nohr surrenders and Leo becomes a new King to made peace with Hoshido after King Garon's first death (3016)
Foldlan has united as the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus after the death of Edelgard and the collapse of the Adrestian Empire (3018)
Rigel and Zofia united as the One Kingdom of Valentia after Duma's defeat (3015)
Eggman Empire surrenders to the U.F.M. and Sage became a new ruler for peace treaty after Eggman's arrest, the destruction of the Time Eater, and the end of Ganondorf (3020)
The Continents have united and split the Chaos Emeralds into one of each Continent. (aftermath)