Love is War Miku CosplaySuperSonicHero10 on DeviantArt

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Love is War Miku Cosplay



Here's yet another addition to the Vocaloid AX Cosplay Collective! It's :iconalakittynya:'s friend, Nellie, aka :iconmuntofan:, who also dressed up as Miku :iconmikuplz: from Vocaloid!

The base of her Cosplay Design (which, like Coly's is also self-made!) is from Miku's Appearence from the Love is War Music Video! :iconloveiswarplz:

I really like the overall design of the costume, from the Blue Wig, The Shirt and Tie, and of course, the Megaphone! (which sadly is for show, and doesn't actually work!)

Niellie, after meeting her for the first time, was a very nice person to know, so it was easy to become fast friends with her! :) And I was very happy to include her as part of my crew of companions at the Convention, as well as having equal access to photographing her cosplay the same as Nikki-Chan! :iconhappymeowplz:

And upon listening to the Love is War song itself, I found that it really took full advantage of the Miku Software, with all the various tones of her voice raising and lowering to fit the dark tones! See for yourselves! [link]
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2736x3648px 4.93 MB
FinePix S1000fd
Shutter Speed
1/61 second
Focal Length
7 mm
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Date Taken
Jul 2, 2011, 2:45:43 PM
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© 2011 - 2025 SuperSonicHero10
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TheGuineapig3's avatar
Oh wow, now that's awesome!! The costume is put together really well- you can just look at it and tell that it's a serious cosplay! Very, very well done!
Ah, and the megaphone doesn't actually work? Pity. That'd be so much fun to play with! XD