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  • Sep 6
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
My Bio

What you see is what you get: A young adult who loves Mario, Sonic, Kirby, and so many more games. That's me!

--Motivational Quotes--

"You don't have to be the best, you just have to be yourself." -Savannah

"(The Mario Bros.) Never give up! You never know when an idea could hit ya!" -Mario

Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets.
-Sonic the Hedgehog JP Boxart

Sonic races through the green fields. The sun races through a blue sky filled with white clouds. The ways of his heart are much like the sun. Sonic runs and rests; the sun rises and sets. Don't give up on the sun. Don't make the sun laugh at you. -Sonic & Knuckles JP Boxart

To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong. The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must be ready to reach beyond the boundaries of Time itself. And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step...
-Sonic CD JP Boxart

"This is for anybody going through tough times,
Yeah, been there, done that,
But any day above ground is a great day,
Remember that!" -Pitbull

"Even when things got tough, I always knew they would eventually be alright." -Knuckles the Echidna

"Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be." -Daniel J. Boorstin

"The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed." -Chinese Proverb

"Belief triggers the power to do." -David J. Schwartz

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, it will be okay.'
You just gotta remember,
hold on to that fundamental quality,
of faith, have faith,
And on the other side of your pain,
Is something good!"
-The Rock

"There's no such thing as talent. Only inspiration, and ambition." -Scrooge McDuck

"Reach out for the sunshine, forget about the rain.
Just think about the good times, and they will come back again!" -Lyrics to "Can You Feel the Sunshine" (Sonic R)

"To make something special, you just have to believe it's special." -Mr. Ping

“Deep in his heart, every man longs for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue.”
― John Eldredge, Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul

"If you don't heal what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you." -Unlnown

Kevin Stamp by v-16 Stamp - Lazy by DragoN-FX .: Read the comments :. Stamp by Beti-Kot Fav too much - Stamp by Tadadada Untitled by I Support Imagination stamp by c3ph31d Difference Stamp by DemonFlare2343 The Procrastination Stamp by Busiris I imagine with music Stamp by tastelessfate I Love My Music ::Stamp:: by himiko-hedgehog The Stamp by glompplz Stamp by wolf-wisper I play Kirby stamp by mike1967-now Kirby Powers Stamp by nakashimariku
Kirby Dream Land Wii Stamp by Kevfin Kirby Stamp by Koolaidislifetome 3rd Generation Stamp by Koolaidislifetome
Totodile Death Glare - stamp by Tainted-DolL First Generation Stamp by SquirtleStamps
#158 Totodile by Otto-V Llama For Llama Stamp by StampMakerLKJ Kuzco Stamp by MintyMaguire
llama stamp by SimplyKaren STAMP: Glasses by Emotikonz Untitled by

Another birthday has come and gone. Can you believe I'm 27 now? I still don't feel that old. And people are still telling me I look so young I can still be in school (not that I think that's a bad thing, of course XD) As for what I did on my special day, I worked most of the day. But I had plenty of co-workers wishing me a happy birthday during my shift! It made me feel so good~ After I got off work, I came home to see one of my sisters made me a birthday card, with an extra special message she added at the last second; "wanna play Minecraft with me?" All the while skyping with a very special friend of mine. This morning I made french to...
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WE HAVE A WINNER!! MY FIRST KIRIBAN PRIZE GOES TO...@XCherryTheCat :iconXCherryTheCat: Here's her winning pic: TO CHERRY, FOR GETTING THE WINNING NUMBER OF 24,000!! WAY TO GO!!The prize is: 1 FLAT-COLORED, FULL-BODY, SINGLE CHARACTER REQUEST, ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! (Be sure to tell me, Cherry, whether you would like it colored with Ink Pens or colored pencils.) Examples:  :thumb690541830: :thumb684287640: :thumb649232905:Cherry, you can either comment/reply to me below with your request details, or you can send it to me via notes.If you would like an idea of what I can/can't draw, follow this thumbnai...
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Hello, neighbors! Hope you guys are having a great day! Deviantart is not the only place where you guys can find me. I'm on Twitter as well as a few others. And I decided to share links to the sites where you can find me. Hope to see you guys there! BadnikBuster My Twitter account is where I spend a lot of my socializing these days. I'll share art on there but I mostly like, reblog, and reply to a lot of whatever my followers share on my feed. Super Player Ryan My YouTube page! Follow me for Let's Plays. Currently working on several games at once. Planning to try livestreams. Koopakrusher on Wysp I'm on Wysp too. But you can probably t...
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Profile Comments 3.6K

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pp7jones's avatar

Hello, your traditional art was amazing, want to see my gallery?

cpeters1's avatar

Are you here?

SpaceboyCT's avatar

Hi.  I saw you made an image of Rouge giving Sticks a makeover.  Looks awesome.  That’s why I wanna ask:

Are you okay with drawing Rouge dressing Sticks up as Jimmy Neutron’s mom?

SuperPlayerRyan's avatar

Hello. I’m glad you liked my drawing, thank you.

I am not against the idea, but I am not taking requests. Maybe if I decide to open commissions in the future, but we’ll have to see.

SpaceboyCT's avatar

You’re welcome.  And thank you for being honest.

Puffybridalprincess's avatar
Hey you up for requests right now or no cause I would like to request
bananamarioslamma234's avatar
Hi, your arts are great & I love them all. c ;