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Character Tina (The Fearsome 5)Character Mina (The Fearsome 5)
Tina and Mina, two dangerous members of Lord Darien's Legion. Despite being ten years old, these two are disturbing on many levels. Creepy, violent and sociopathic, the twins have a bad habit of harming anyone within their line of sight and for little to no reasons. Tina is naturally crazy and has poor grip on morals, if any and Mina is just moody and dark to the point of violence if anyone gets near her. The only care capacity the twins have is for each other and if the other gets hurt badly, the other goes berserk and relentlessly attacks whoever had a hand in harming the other. If one were to ever get into a fight with them, keep this advice in mind: don't leave one standing alone.
Image size
3384x4104px 4.2 MB
© 2023 - 2025 SuperMatt777
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