
Yes, I Have a Penis

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

March 8, 2009
~Superiorflowerpower -- Yes, I Have a Penis.

So what?
Featured by fllnthblnk

Literature Text

Yes, I Have A Penis

Do not assume (if I hold the door for you),
that I am making a statement
about your inabilities
to open the door for yourself.
If you hold it for me,
I'll say 'thankyou'.

Do not assume (if I pay for the meal),
that I am underestimating
your earning capacity
as a woman.
If you invite me out for a meal,
you're paying.

Do not assume (if I defend your rights),
that I am belittling
the attempts that you have made
to defend your rights yourself.
If you defend my rights,
I'll consider you human.
Inspired by my female tutor, who told me that, as a male, I had no place arguing in favour of women's rights.
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MetalByakko's avatar

...I never understood the whole "holding up the door is sexist"-thing.

I'm a guy, but people also held the door open for me and some of those people where women who just wanted to be polite.